
Router Transformation in Informatica IICS – IDMC

Active & Connected

Last Updated: 26 December 2023

By: Nataraj Virupaksham (Raj)

  • ▹ Router transformation is an active and connected transformation in Informatica Cloud IDMC.
  • ▹ It is similar to filter transformation, except that multiple filter conditions can be defined in the router transformation.
  • ▹ Where as in filter transformation, you can specify only one condition and drops the rows that do not satisfy the condition.

Output Groups: You can create multiple groups in router transformation with each having its own filter condition. In the below example you can see multiple groups defined for each country.

For each output group defined, a new data flow will be created which can be passed to downstream transformations as shown below. can create one or more simple filter conditions.

Default Group in Router Transformation

  • ▹ By default, there will be a DEFAULT group that comes with in router transformation. The rows which do not satisfy any filter condition are passed through the default group.
  • ▹ In our example, Country_id other than ‘US’, ‘UK’, ‘JP’ will be passed through DEFAULT
  • ▹ Router filter conditions are not if and else. If a row satisfies the filter condition in multiple groups, the router transformation passes data from all the output groups that satisfy the condition.

Condition types in Router Transformation

  • ▹ The filter condition types supported in Router transformation is similar to that what we have already discussed in Filter transformation.
  • ▹ You can define a simple or advanced filter condition or completely of partially parameterize the filter condition based on the requirement.

Difference between Filter and Router Transformation

The following table compares the Router transformation to the Filter transformation:

Option Router Filter
Conditions Test for multiple conditions in a single Router transformation Test for one conditios per Filter transformation
Handle rows that do not meet the condition Router rows to the default, output group, or drop rows that do not make the condition Drop rows that do not meet the condition
Incoming data Process one with a single Router transformation Process in each Filter transformation

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