
Informatica Cloud IICS – IDMC CAI Interview Questions

What are Different Ways of API?

There are four different ways that APIs can work depending on when and why they were created.

a) SOAP APIs: These APIs use Simple Object Access Protocol. Client and server exchange messages using XML. This is a less flexible API that was more popular in the past.

b) REST APIs: Representational State Transfer These are the most popular and flexible APIs found on the web today. The client sends requests to the server as data. The server uses this client input to start internal functions and returns output data back to the client.

c) RPC APIs: These APIs are called Remote Procedure Calls. The client completes a function (or procedure) on the server, and the server sends the output back to the client.

d) WebSocket APIs: WebSocket API is another modern web API development that uses JSON objects to pass data. A WebSocket API supports two-way communication between client apps and the server. The server can send callback messages to connected clients, making it more efficient than REST API.

What is Publish in Informatica Cloud IICS -IDMC?

Before you run a taskflow as an API or schedule a taskflow, you must first publish the taskflow as a service. When you publish a taskflow, Data Integration generates the service (REST) URL and the SOAP service URL. You can use these endpoint URLs to run the taskflow as an API.

When you run a taskflow from the taskflow designer, Data Integration automatically publishes the taskflow, and generates the service (REST) URL and SOAP service URL.

What is a Process in Informatica Cloud IICS -IDMC CAI?

The Design of API is called a Process.

What are the main Services used for IICS -IDMC CAI?

To work on CAI, we need the below Services.

  • Application Integration: To create and design the process
  • Application Integration Console: All the processes will monitor
  • Api Manager and API Portal: it is used to Manage the API

What are the Service types available in-Service Step in Informatica IICS-IDMC CAI?

a. Connection
b. Process
c. System Service

How to Call CDI Task through Informatica IICS-IDMC CAI?

Use Service Step in CAI and select Service type as system Service and Action as Run Cloud Task.

What is a Process in Informatica IICS-IDMC Cloud Application Integration (CAI)

The Design of Application Program interface(API) is called a Process.

What are the services available in Informatica IICS-IDMC Cloud Application Integration (CAI)?

We will use the below services, when we work on IICS-IDMC CAI.

  • Application Integration
  • Application Integration Console.
  • API Manager
  • API Center
  • API Portal

What is Service Connector in Informatica Cloud IICS-IDMC?

Service Connector is used to Connect to third-party services using REST or SOAP APIs.

What are the 5-tab names available under Service Connector, Actions?

The below are the 5 tabs.

  • Actions
  • Input
  • Binding
  • Output
  • Test Results

What are the Assets in CAI?

  • Processes
  • Guides
  • App Connections
  • Service Connectors
  • Process object
  • Services

Give some steps available when you create a Process

  • Service Step
  • Assignment Step
  • Sub Process
  • Decision
  • Parallel
  • Jump
  • Throw
  • Start & End

What is App connection in Informatica Cloud IICS-IDMC?

There are two uses with App connection in Informatica Cloud IICS-IDMC?

  • To Create any type of Event source and Event Target Connections like Flat file connections, Amazon s3 Connections, FTP Connections etc.
  • We cannot Directly call Service connector in the Service step the process. so, we will select Service Connector from the app Connector, and we can use app connector in Service step

How to Read the data from a table in Informatica Cloud IICS-IDMC CDI?

Go to Administrator, Create Source database connection

Go to Data integration, create a mapping, and select the source database connection and source table.

How to Read the data from a table in Informatica Cloud IICS-IDMC CAI?

Go to Administrator, Enable JDBC Connections

Go to Application integration, Create app connection,

How to get the Entire Response(payload) in JSON format from Service connector in Informatica Cloud IICS-IDMC CAI?

By using xQuery


How to Generate the JSON files from in Informatica Cloud IICS-IDMC CAI?

 By using AppConnection File Writer

How to Write data to the table in Informatica Cloud IICS-IDMC CAI?

By using Create Step.

How to Get the IICS Metadata information?

By using REST API Reference.

How can you Read the Swagger file from IICS CDI?

 By Creating a REST V2 Connector.

Why Should we use REST v2 Connector?

 To Read the data from Swagger file.

What is Business service component in Informatica Cloud IICS-IDMC?

When we have Swagger files as input, will Rest V2 Connector, and then call the Rest V2 connector in Business service component. Use Business Service Component in Web service transformation in CDI.

What is Webservice Transformation in Informatica Cloud IICS-IDMC?

 Webservice Transformation is used the read data from Swagger file.

Create Webservice Transformation, and call the business service component.

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  • T PUNDALIK 10 November 2023
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  • Sri Lalitha 6 November 2023
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge sir, very helpful to face the interview.
  • jyothi 6 November 2023
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  • ramu 6 November 2023
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  • veena 6 November 2023
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  • durgaashok 6 November 2023
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  • Gouda Anusha 6 November 2023
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  • srinivas 6 November 2023
    Good content and notes
  • Gouda Anusha 6 November 2023
    Hey Sir, I have read all oracle commands and understood very well and its clear
  • Sravanajyothi 6 November 2023
    Hi Sir, Thank you for all information provided about the Expression transformation which is very
  • Lokesh 6 November 2023
    Good Stuff for Interview preparation process
  • lalitha 5 November 2023
    Hello Raj sir..thank you for your Excellent Training and Motivating every student to get a
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