Task 9: Covid Data to the Table. Read the Date and ISO fields from a table and write the particular dates
[ To Be Added ]
What is the difference between GET and POST request?
Ans: GET request is comparatively less secure because the data is exposed in the URL bar. POST request is comparatively more secure because the data is not exposed in the URL bar. Request made through GET method are stored in Browser history. Request made through POST method is not stored in Browser history.
Task 10: Read Metadata from IICS
- Like Informatica having Repository Tables, we can get the Metadata from IICS by using API.
- IICS having REST API Documentation in the below link.
https://docs.informatica.com/integration-cloud/b2b-gateway/current-version/rest-api-reference/platform-rest-api-version-2-resources/login.html - By using these API Documentation, we can easily get the IICS jobs Information, Session Log Information, Secure agent information, or Login Information.
- Login API: If you need to get the Information about IICS Login, we need to go to API documentation from the above documentation link. The documentation provides the below information about the API.
a. Login URL
b. icSessionId (token)
c. ServerURLTask 10: Configuration to get Login information using Login API: - Look at the below example given in the Documentation.
We should user as a POST Request, and we should use the above URL based on the Region, We should pass the headers (Content-Type and Accept) and also, we should use the Body. As my IICS account is in AP region, I have changed the URL as mentioned below.
Use the all the below details in POSTMAN tool to get the Response.
POST URL : https://dm-ap.informaticacloud.com/ma/api/v2/user/loginConfigure the headers asContent-Type: application/json
Accept: application/jsonGive the Body Information
Like the above, we have to configure by using our IICS username and password as mentioned in below.{
“@type”: “login”,
“username”: “tsalesforce80@gmail.com”,
“password”: “Admin@123”
}When you Send the Request as shown in above , IICS will give all the information about your IICS account , From this you need to get the ServerUrl and icSessionid to get another response.
Due to security reasons, POST Response, IICS will provide icSessionid (Token) and it will expire after 30 mins. If we need to use again, you need to generate new token.
Task 11: To Get all information about Activity Log (Task Log):
- To Get the activity log information, Pls look into API documentation and use the example below.
Copy the Serverurl and icSessionId from the previous response as shown belowURL : https://apse1.dm-ap.informaticacloud.com/saas/api/v2/activity/activityLog?rowLimit=100
Accept: application/json
icSessionId: a7sVdfc0zPUcHiFx9pqeu0
In the above Example, it will give the response about all your IICS Jobs information. Like this we can get any type of information as mentioned in REST API documentation. We can further load this information into the Table.
Task 12: To Get the Information of all the jobs.
- Go to REST API Documentation and Read the information below.
URL : https://apse1.dm-ap.informaticacloud.com/saas/api/v2/task?type=MTT
Accept : application/json
icSessionId : a7sVdfc0zPUcHiFx9pqeu0
Give this information in the POSTMAN tool.
In the Above Example, POSTMAN will give All the Mapping Tasks in your IICS Account.
WSDL File: WSDL file is the file which contains all information about SOAP API in XML format.
Swagger File (OpenAPI 3.0 File): Swagger file is the file which contains all information about REST API in JSON format
A Swagger File is a specification for documenting REST APIs; It specifies the format (URL, method, and representation) to describe REST web services. A Swagger file is a JSON file, and you need to have one to configure the IICS REST V2 connection to integrate with any REST API.You can get the swagger file from any API Documentation. Also, you can get the Swagger file from the PROCESS -> properties->Details as shown below. And swagger File looks like below.
Task 13: Calling the API from CDI: Get the swagger file and source Table which have Date and ISO as input from the Client and, load the data to Target Table using Webservice Transformation.
To do the above task the below mentioned steps need to be taken care.
- Get the Swagger file from the Client
- place swagger file in secure agent Server (In SrcFiles Directory)
- Create Rest V2 Connector
- Busienss Service component
- Create a mapping
- Create Web service transformation and call business service component
Perform the Below steps.
- Get the swagger file from the client and place the file under the SrcFile Directory.
C:\Program Files\Informatica Cloud Secure Agent\apps\Data_Integration_Server\data\SrcFiles - Add a REST V2 Connector by going to Adimistrator -> Add on Connector -> then select REST V2 Connector.Note: You might have to restart the Data Integration Server Service after adding the Rest V2 Connector.
- Go to Administrator and Create a new connection and select REST V2 Connector. Give the source file path and Name of the Swagger file as shown below.
C:\Program Files\Informatica Cloud Secure Agent\apps\Data_Integration_Server\data\SrcFiles\Swager_Covid.json
Test and save the connector. - Go to Data Integration, New ->Components ->Business Service
- Name the Business service as Business Service_Covid_API , select the connection as REST_V2_Connector
Note: Business Service Always use REST_V2_Connector
Select operation -> Source Operation -> select the action given by Swagger file. - Go to Data integration -> Create a new mapping and rename as
Select the source as Covid_data_input table and Target As Covid_data_output table .
Covid_data_input table:
Covid_data_output table : - Drag a web Service Transformation to the mapping.
- Select the Web service Transformation, Select Web service and select your business service which we have created above. And the select the operation.
- Select Request mapping from the left side and map Report_dte and ISO
- Select Response mapping from the left side, Select only Response_200.
- Connect Webservice Transformation to Target and select output group as Root.
- Go to Target -> Field mapping and map appropriate fields as shown in the below.
Save, Create an MCT and Run the MCT.
The Above mapping, Take the date and ISO from the Covid_Data_input table, and then Swagger file reads these date and ISO from Covid API server and gives the output to target table using Webservice Transformation. You can see the output of the table below.
API Manager / AP Portal / Operational Insights will be used mainly by IICS Administrators and IICS Support people.
API Manager:
API Manager is a cloud-based service that an organization uses to deploy, manage, and control the use of APIs. You can use API Manager to manage the APIs for enterprise services and processes that are built in Informatica Cloud Application Integration.
— We can apply the policies to processes which we have created.
— We can give the number of calls to the API
— We can deactivate the Api
— We can see the UI of the Api
API Portal:
API Portal provides API consumers with secure access to managed APIs and custom APIs.
API consumers can see details of an API such as status, authentication type, and applicable access control policy, and drill down to further details with Swagger or WSDL.
Operational Insights:
It is Used Operational Insights to view the performance and operational efficiency of data profiling assets across your enterprise. In Operational Insights, you can also view enterprise health, domain-level analytics, job and workflow statistics, and node-level resource consumption.
Mainly used in IICS Production support.
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